Serving since 2022 B.S

With more than 50 years of service we have provided quality education with excellence to more than thousands of student

About Us

Public Model Secondary School was established in B.S 2022. It is situated at previously known as  Siyari-4, Rupandehi previously known as Dayanagar, 15 K.m west from Bhairahawa and 20 K.m south from Butwal. With more than 50 years of its service more than thousand students have passed and institute currently has more than 1500 students and the number is expected to rise in coming years. Currently we are offering our service from class one to class ten, Science Management and Education faculty in class 11 & 12, and Diploma in Civil Engineering and Geomatics Engineering affiliated to CTEVT.

With more than 50 years of service we have provided quality education with excellence to more than thousands of student and currently have more than 1500 students associated to this institute in different faculties. In 2076 B.S Nepal Government has announced this institute in list of Model schools. We have proved our excellence in sports and education at local level all schools educational festival by winning secondary level event for all three consecutive years.


Message from Principal


Mr. Dilaram Khanal It is a privilege on my part to drop a few words of appreciation to all of our Management Committee, Guardians, and ex-students for their sincere effort and timely suggestions to boost this institution to reach this extent. I am especially thankful to all the associates of this institution who worked for hand in hand together to provide its present-day look. Yet a lot has to be done to actualize the dream of a Public Model. It was impossible without the great initiation of our parents, our diligent students, and the dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff as well as the kind assistance of the management committee, who extend their helping hands to destine the present status of Public Model.  Now, the time has come to renovate and advance our learning pedagogy so, we have forwarded our new concept of technical learning smart class to promote overall growth. This institution has always been committed to “Quality Education” so we are providing the best education in both mediums of languages: English and Nepali. We believe in the overall development of our students, so we have engaged coaches and instructors in volleyball, cricket, dancing, etc, and promote the talent of our students in all possible ways. I also believe in Education with morality so we have been providing training to our teachers and students about morality occasionally. Our never tiring delicate minds toil day and night only to maintain their individual academic excellence but to uplift this institution to the national level.  I am really thankful to all those who associated directly or indirectly to Public Model and also express my heartiest felicitation to those brilliant minds who maintained the academic standard and aided Public Model School to reach to this extent. I shall be very optimistically looking forward to any valuable advice or kind suggestions on your part.
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Years of Service


Low-Income Families 


Present Enrolment


Pass Outs


School Level

We have been providing education from class nursery to class 10 in both languages: Nepali and English Computer education from class 6 to higher classes.

+2 Level

we have currently three faculties for classes 11 and 12
  • Science
  • Management
  • Education
  • Civil Engineering

    Its three-year program is affiliated with CTEVT and its minimum eligibility is C Grade in Science and Mathematics and Minimum D+ in English in SEE/SLC

    Geomatics Engineering

    Geomatics Engineering (Survey Engineering) is a three-year program affiliated with CTEVT and its minimum eligibility is C Grade in Science and Mathematics and Minimum D+ in English in SEE/SLC

    open admiSsions

    want to shape the future ?

    English Nepali Medium | Nursery to Masters | Science | Management | Education | Civil Engineering | Geomatics Engineering 


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    we aim at inspiring our students to dream more , learn more, do more and become more in their respective journey of life.

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